Sunday, March 3, 2013

Positive & Negative Impact of Information Technology Development

Development of information technology has been so rapid that it is difficult for us to control it. Almost every second of Information Technology products created around the world. We should appreciate the development of Information Technology because it certainly will increasingly assist human life. Positive and negative impacts of the use of IT is certainly there and naturally we are aware of this.

     Here are some things that positively impact the development of Information Technology.

         1. Simplify and speed up access to the information we need.
         2. Simplify and accelerate the delivery or dissemination.
         3. Facilitate transactions for companies or individual business interests.
         4. Facilitate the completion of tasks or jobs.
         5. Facilitate the communication process is not blocked time and place.
         6. Widespread use of information technology job openings IT or other types of new jobs.

     Meanwhile, the negative impact of the development of Information Technology among others,

         1. The issue of racial intolerance, violence and pornography become commonplace.
         2. Ease of transaction trigger illicit businesses such as drugs and black market or illegal products.
         3. The fraudsters and criminals arose, especially in the case of online transactions.
         4. The emergence of cultural plagiarism or plagiarism other people's work.

     All policies must be followed or the development of positive and negative sides are included in the development of information technology in our lives and our own should be aware of the phenomenon that occurs in order to minimize the negative side.

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